Circle One: Limbo

Circle Two: Lust

Circle Three: Glutton

Circle Four: Greed

Circle Five: Wrath

Circle Six: Heresy

Circle Seven: Violence

Circle Eight: Fraud
Project Description:
For my first project in the Game Design studio at UCLA, I was the Illustrator for a group project board game called "The Ninth Circle". "The Ninth Circle" is a board game based off of Dante's "Inferno," in which 4-6 players go through the nine layers of hell.
To play the game, the players must defeat the boss of each layer (every layer's theme and unique boss were inspired by the Dante's literature) to continue to the next layer. In order to win the game, you must defeat the last boss, the devil himself.
Individual Layer Design:
I started the world building process by illustrating what each layer of hell should convey in one tile (or space). Each layer of hell illuminates how Dante described them in his literature. How example, Limbo, the first layer of hell contains a "flowing brook and an exquisite green meadow," while Fraud, the eight layer of hell contains "pits, wells, and bridges filled with reptiles and snakes that lead to eternal falling."
I did not illustrate the ninth circle of hell on the game board, as this circle would consist of one tile and another classmate in my group made devil figurine that would stand on that tile the entire game. (Photographed below)

Final Game Board Design

Final Board

Final Board Close Up

Board Details

Board With Player's Character Pieces

Mid-Game Close Up

Board Details
Photography of the Final Product
The player's character pieces (shown in the fourth and fifth images) were not created for this game and were randomly chosen for this photoshoot.
These player's character cards and figurine came from our first assignment for this class, in which every student individually created a character deck and figurine that could be utilized in these group project games.