Project Description:
For my first project in the Game Design studio at UCLA, I was the Illustrator for a group project board game called "The Ninth Circle". "The Ninth Circle" is a board game based off of Dante's "Inferno," in which 4-6 players go through the nine layers of hell.
To play the game, the players must defeat the boss of each layer (every layer's theme and unique boss were inspired by the Dante's literature) to continue to the next layer. In order to win the game, you must defeat the last boss, the devil himself.
Character Design Description:
With the dark themes of Dante's Inferno, I strived to create a gritty, somewhat frightening look with the characters via their facial expressions, accessories, and overall design. I chose to draw the characters in a somewhat flat, detailed manner to mimic the traditional paintings which tell the story of the nine layers of hell, but with a little hint of my own style. The boss character illustrations live in the game's manual.
In order of appearance in the game, the characters are:
Plato as the Boss of Limbo, Cleopatra as the Boss of Lust, Cerberus as the Boss of Glutton, The Pope as the Boss of Greed, Medusa as the Boss of Wrath, Joan of Arc as the Boss of Heresy, The Minotaur as the Boss of Violence, Pontius Pilate as the Boss of Fraud, and lastly the Devil as The Final Boss of Hell.